Workout Tips

A health club (gym) is a place with exercise equipment and a sanctuary for fitness enthusiasts. Whatever your goal is, this is the best place to achieve it since it provides you with a lot of choice of strength training machines, barbells, dumbbells, cable machines, medicine balls, kettlebells, TRX suspension trainer, group classes, cardio machines!

I personally love working out in a gym facility because there are no limitations, you can have an interesting train session with variety and creativity. Also a gym is very safe for people who have some restrictions when it comes down to training. For example, elderly people with musculoskeletal injuries or clients recovering after a surgery.

I would be more than happy to teach you how to design an integrated progressive workout plan and use the benefits of a gym facility with a safe, injury free approach!


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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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